To Do List
Woah there! Why are you reading my super secret and totally not findable to-do-list and change tracker??
Well since you're already here you might as well get an idea of what i've changed and whats coming next!
Priority: HIGH
- add "rel=noopener noreferrer" to all "target=_blank" external links - check all pages
Home - index -
Home- not found -
Home - Bonus Page -
Bonus - atypicaloddities -
collection- current collection -
Current collection - wormy -
collection - goof gallery -
collection - Wish List-
Wish list - Biggs Darklighter
Creations - Cosplay and props -
Cosplay and props - endor leia 2014 -
Cosplay and props - rotta the huttlet Creations - CrochetCreations - Fanart-
Creations - original art -
Commentary - Music movies tv Music movies tv - TYLA by TylaCommentary - journal-
Commentary - product reviews
Priority: MED
- Replace Placeholder images and formatting on all pages
- Home - index
- Home - GUestbook link
- Home - Bonus Page
- Bonus - atypicaloddities
- collection- current collection
- Current collection - wormy
- collection - goof gallery
- collection - Wish List
- Wish list - Biggs Darklighter
- Creations - Cosplay and props
- Cosplay and props - endor leia 2014
- Cosplay and props - rotta the huttlet
- Creations - Crochet
- Creations - Fanart
- Creations - original art
- Commentary - Music movies tv
- Music movies tv - TYLA by Tyla
- Commentary - journal
- Commentary - product reviews
- connect - guestbook
Priority: LOW
- change link text color on hover (is this in css?)
- double check all pages for favicons